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Zentralblatt for developing countries

State: published,
created Apr 26, 2014 04:35 PM
I am currently attending the annual meeting of the Committee for Developing Countries of the The European Mathematical Society. I may write more on this in later posts but I wanted to mention one point right away. Zentralblatt MATH zbMATH is, in their own words, "the world's most comprehensive and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics". In addition, they are adding new features. An interesting example is swMATH, which is a database on mathematical software. This is a joint project with the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, funded by the Leibniz Association. EMS-CDC reports that some developing countries are eligible to get free access to Zentralblatt services. Details of how this works is described in this poster. The eligible countries are given in this list.